Today is National Holocaust Remembrance Day. I wasn’t going to write anything about it, and then I happened upon this 60 Minutes piece about the work done a few years ago to investigate, seventy-five years after the fact, who betrayed the Franks—who turned them in. It’s worth watching. All of it. Not because we need to be reminded of what happened back then. Anyone with a soul remembers what happened to the millions of people. But because of what is about to happen—and what has already started to happen. What might be the unfathomable future we are starting to see unfold around us. Ignoring it is not going to help, and watching this will inspire you and prepare you.
It turns out the team concluded that it was a Jew, someone on the Jewish Council, who turned them in. The investigator makes a point, however, of saying it might not hold up in a court of law, but he think it’s right. After the war, Otto Frank received an anonymous note saying it was this man, and he essentially did nothing with it. But he stopped what had been a compulsive search for the truth prior to receiving the note. He just dropped the whole thing. Maybe because it was a Jew and he didn’t want to increase the antisemitism that was still in place?
So, why, Christine, do you think I need to watch this today?
I think you need to watch it because there are numerous markers for us all about what is going to be asked of us moving forward. I have been a student of the Holocaust—a voracious student—since I heard Simon Wiesenthal speak in NYC in the mid-seventies. Only ten of us showed up to hear about his hunt for Nazis and his unwavering commitment to justice. But that was it for me.
In every house I’ve ever lived in (and those of you who know me know it’s a lot of houses), I’ve always figured out where I would hide my Jewish friends. Every house. The one I live in now? It’s upstairs in the loft, where there’s a fifteen-foot closet that could look like just a wall. The basement isn’t large enough. I can’t hide too many, but that’s where it would be.
Back to 60 Minutes. There were so many ways the Nazis trapped those trying to survive—so many ways they could research, find, entrap, and reward the evil humans who would trade treasure for lives they didn’t care about. And there was also the horrifying reward of saving yourself or your family by giving up someone else.
Last week—not even one week into this regime, because that’s what it is—the signs are already there.
A letter saying you must report any DEI or diversity hires in your government department if you work for the Federal government. Anyone you suspect might have been hired for diversity.
The firing of overseers in government agencies whose job it is to stop corruption and illegal practices. Poof, Friday night. Gone.
Illegal raids (yes, without warrants) and questioning of people who are not undocumented workers. The first question asked? Well, it’s just a matter of time until it becomes: “We’ll let you go if you give us fifty more.”
But the most chilling thing in the last seven days is the tweet by Eric Trump, which he deleted twenty minutes after posting. (That should scare you too.)
“Any and all who dare defy the American Golden Age, heed this warning. You WILL lose. Toe the line, or we WILL run you down. The gloves are off, and we’re not playing around this time. For now, it’s tariffs, but trust me, we can and will do so much worse!”
And the Democrats in D.C.? I haven’t heard a peep. Have you? Helllooo Chuck Schumer? Where are you?!
So, why am I telling you this? To scare you? No.
I’m telling you this because if you watch the 60 Minutes piece, you’ll see that with all that power and all that evil, they did not prevail. And we have power and agency too. We can and will prevail. But this is not going to be an easy fight. It’s already much larger than that.
I don’t have the desire to march. I have the desire to be a force in my circle of influence—to take actions every day to stop what I should have stood up to years ago. So here’s my list for today:
Tell any immigrant you know that if they are in danger, they can come to your house. Just them. Divide and separate.
Tell them you will pick up their children from school and have them give you a letter of authorization. Do not have them put your name on the school list.
Never, ever, give anyone any names for anything. Not one.
Ask yourself—prepare yourself—if you work for the government. Decide right now where your line in the sand is. Decide now, so when and if the moment comes, you know exactly what your line in the sand is going to be.
We are all going to face some hard times in the coming months. Maybe you’re reading this and thinking, “She’s gone off the deep end, and I’m not going with her.” I don’t think I have. I think I’m making some decisions now—like so many did during WWII—about what I am and am not willing to do.
In one week, they’ve already started. Do not put your head in the sand. Do not think for one second that someone else has this figured out. Figure out what your role will be, and commit to it.
Do watch this 60 Minutes piece. I hope it will inspire you. It did me. Onward.
Done literally two hours ago....long conversation with a incredibly hard-working GOOD person who's been here 23 years. We have a plan in place and shared resources (in his language) with him. These good people are so ill-prepared. We will focus on educating them (note: NOT, we "need" to do this, we WILL do this!) This group means business this time and it's horrible.