A text arrives.
“Is your address still…?”
I don’t know.
Maybe they’ll take zip codes away.
I mean it’s possible.
Kennedy is now saying there is no polio vaccine.
My aunt had polio.
Is it possible her great grandchildren might too?
Don’t tell her ok?
My beloved cousin Alison calls.
“How are you?” she asks.
I have no idea.
I laughed yesterday.
And, today too. I laughed today.
But, I can’t speak for tomorrow.
I go to my dentist’s office.
She’s a devout Christian.
There is a nativity scene in her waiting room.
I wonder if she has any Jewish patients.
‘Happy Holidays?’
Wait. Is it now only ‘Merry Christmas’?
There is another question…
In the back of my mind when I’m talking to people.
How did you really vote?
Do I know?
Do I know what anyone really thinks?
I have always had a lot of questions.
What do I want to eat for dinner tonight?
Did I call my aunt to check in this week?
Do you know how much I love you?
Does the dog need to go to the vet?
Am I spending too much money?
There are questions,
And there are questions.
In the darkness of my room in the early hours,
I contemplate these things.
Then I sit bolt upright.
I remember my walk with Bay yesterday.
I looked up at the pine trees with perfect posture.
Regardless of how the fierce winds demand they kneel.
They do not. Ever.
I am in awe of them.
I realize I’m done asking questions.
Here is my answer. Loud and clear.
You will never change who I am.
I will always know that I am right,
And you are wrong.
I will always think you are beneath me.
I will do everything I can to make sure you know it too.
- Christine Merser
Right on! We all must stay strong and true to ourselves.