by Christine Merser
Yes, I’m a DC addict. Diet Coke. Oh, I’ve tried. I’ve been on the wagon, sometimes for weeks, but always, I crash and go looking for that silver and red can. For the last several months, I’m only allowed to get DT at McDonalds. I cannot keep in my home. I have to go through take out to get the fix. It has helped. Cost? $1.04. Then four months or so ago, it was $1.49. What?! I asked about the price hike and the woman at the voice box at the window had no idea.
Over and over again, we are hearing from those who may be choosing the MAGA ticket for their vote, that the cost of food and life is rising more under a democratic president. That their vote is about their ability to buy things that should be a given, like food.
“That’s odd,” we think. “Corporate prices for goods going up? When the economy is doing so much better under Biden? When jobs are more abundant? Huh? Why are corporations raising prices?”
In the last decade, Ronald McDonald has gouged those in America who can afford it least. And profits?
I took a look.
Look at that? Profitability? Way up? Now, let’s look at pricing?
Well, what a surprise (not!).
And, us? We have said nothing. We just keep paying without letting them know that we will stop buying if they don’t stop gouging?
I reached out to corporate for an explanation as to why. No answer from corporate. The only thing I could get was from my local friend at the window who tells me I’m the only one who orders a diet coke and nothing else. She said, prices are established by the individual franchise owners. I couldn’t get an answer to that question either, but I highly doubt that corporate allows pricing to be determined by each franchise owner. But I can’t confirm or deny.
Here is the thing. We have to start demanding, as a collective, ‘We the People,’ accountability.
What if Monday, October 14, we all asked McDonalds to fess up and tell us why they raised prices so much over the past six months, just before an election where the MAGA team is putting out the word that they will lower taxes and accountability by corporations if elected?
Hashtag? #McDonaldsAccountability
Next stop Exxon. You won’t believe that story. It starts with MAGA Trump calling oil peeps together in April (confirmed) at Mar-a-Lago and asking for a billion in contributions for his campaign while promising to end the restrictions the Biden administration has put on oil around the environment.