Maybe you weren’t aware. Tomorrow is Inauguration Day. Oh, you knew? Silly me.
Here is my intention for the day.
I will wake up and watch this amazing moment of song with my hope for my country’s future and my fellow citizens of what still is possible.
Then, I will walk my dog Bay in what is supposed to be a newly snow-covered Maine.
Then I will journal about how I’m feeling.
Then I will get to work on things that mean something to me around my company and my goals and my family and friends.
I will not go on social media. I have zero interest in pundits punditing, people clicking on that which will provide not one answer for where to go next, or any information that will frighten or repel me.
Ice cream will be on the menu.
I will dance because my body still moves relatively freely and I will be grateful to be able to do it. And, for so many things I call mine.
I will try and drink more water, make my bed carefully, purposefully.
I will prepare for a good night’s sleep as I wind up tomorrow because Tuesday is a big day.
Tuesday they better look over their shoulder because I will be right behind them and hopefully, sometimes in front of them, doing every single thing I can to make sure we all see the power and value of collective resistance - and that we use it to destroy their vision of our country.
The safety and support of our fellow humans working together for the common good. That is what I will dream about tomorrow night.
God bless America.