We are at war. Here. American against American.
I woke up in the middle of the night last night thinking about the Americans during WWII.
Americans identified an enemy across the ocean. It would’ve been easier for them to justify walking away from that fight than it is to walk away from this one. They had the core values to know right from wrong. And that good people have an obligation, a compulsion, to stand up against evil. They sacrificed their daily comforts and luxuries to fight fascism and win. They also sacrificed their lives. A lot of them.
Did they feel rage, as I do, as their sons, husbands, daughters, and fathers died? Did they cry into the night, asking why they had to endure so much because of others’ greed and evil? I’ve never read one word about Americans raging in the night over the burden of World War II. I even Googled it.
Well there’s a show stopper if I ever read one. If they didn’t rage into the night, then certainly I do not have the right - or luxury - of raging into the night, or anywhere for that matter.
Enough about them. Back to me.
You see my problem is, I don’t just want to rage into the dark night—I want to rage all day and all night. To the people with whom I have a long history who voted for this evil human, I want to send a nasty, brilliantly written email saying, Look what you have done! Look what you have done! Please tell me you’re at least paying attention to what you’ve done with your vote. Your vote! The one I sent you pages of articles about, so you’d understand what you were voting for. You have no excuse. None.
Are you even paying attention? Immigration raids without warrants—violating the Constitution two days after he was inaugurated and no one is stopping him? Pulling all foreign aid so countries are forced to turn to places like Russia and China? Do you have any idea what that’s going to do?
The environment—do you know what he’s already done to it? In four days?
How we’re on the verge of losing Social Security? And yes, that dark, hateful place inside of me says, Good. You deserve it.
Did you read my article from two months ago—before anyone else was even talking about it—where I predicted exactly what this new kind of oligarchy would look like? And how I was right? Already right? Musk has more power than the president. Not because he earned it, but because we gave him contracts. He controls things like Starlink, paid for by our tax dollars, handed to him on a silver platter by the people we foolishly voted for. Nazi salute notwithstanding, the man is nuts. Seriously?
Do you see the highly qualified people of color in government at risk of being fired now because they’re perceived as “DEI hires”? Do you see who’s being appointed to the top jobs in this country?
The people I know people in L.A. who voted for Donald Trump, are you looking in the mirror now, realizing you might not get the help you need to rebuild because L.A. is a Democratic enclave? Are you looking in the mirror taking responsibility, or blaming me instead of yourself?
So then I breathe deeply—25 times. It takes a few minutes. Twenty-five is a long number when you’re breathing in as far as you can, holding it, and then exhaling as slowly as possible. It takes time. I’m not good with things like that, but I’m trying.
And each time, my rage against those of you who were either stupid or greedy starts to dissolve, but alas, it comes back.
So then I count back: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Poof. It’s gone. But the problem is, I have no idea what to replace it with.
Why is it my job to fix what you fools created? Why can’t I just go on my daily walk with my dog in the beautiful countryside of Maine without feeling the weight of the fight? Why is that my burden instead of yours?
Why, why, why?
I’ll tell you why. Because I am American citizen who has had a free ride for seven decades. Now it’s time to pay up. Granted it’s a big ask, but too bad. No complaining. No explaining. Just do it. No, take the ‘just’ out of it, deal with it Nike. Do it.
And another reason it’s my responsibility to fight, to stand up, and to block this pathway is because I am a good person. Inside, even as I’m hard on myself for my shortcomings - and they are many, I know I am good. I care about more than just myself. I took the time to understand what I was voting for.
So now, I have to take this moment in time and stop railing against all of you Americans who did this to me. Yes, it’s still true that you did this to me. You voted to destroy the foundation of what America was built on. I won’t sugarcoat that so you can feel better. That’s what you did.
Now you have a choice: own it and try to fix it alongside me, or continue as you’ve been for the past several years—and then, yes, you are my enemy. It has to be said. Enough of nice words, or words that sort of mean what they should mean. Untruths are lies. Plain and simple.
Now back to those heroes from WWII. I get you. I will follow you. You will inspire me, not my anger and hatred toward those who faces are all over the news. I’m good to go. Rage? Rage by any other name is .. well, how about gear? R-A-G-E also spells G-E-A-R. (I realize it’s weak, but it’s all I could find.) I will pack up my gear and get to work.
So that’s it for me. No more raging into the night. Or day. Or anywhere. No more 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. From now on, every ounce of energy I have will go toward productive, positive action. I will do everything I can to uphold the American values and principles I was raised to believe in.
Are values and principles the same thing? Shouldn’t I know the difference if they’re going to guide me for the next four years, and maybe longer? One moment, let me look that up. “Values answer the question: What is most important to me? Principles answer the question: What is the right thing to do?”AI
Yes, this is a time for my values and my principles to compel me toward action. But not every moment of every day. Not in the dead of night. I still can enjoy the walks with Bay and leave it at home for that time in nature.
That’s it. Temper tantrum over. My intention is to have fewer tantrums—or none at all. I’ll stop thinking about you people and start focusing on the people I love, the country I love, and the life I love. And, the work in front of us.
Tomorrow is a new week. Let’s get started.
Values Versus Principles:
The difference between values and principles lies in their nature and how they guide behavior:
• Definition: Values are deeply held beliefs or priorities that influence how individuals or groups make decisions and judge what is important.
• Subjective: Values can vary widely from person to person and are shaped by culture, upbringing, personal experiences, and societal norms.
• Examples: Honesty, family, freedom, kindness, ambition.
Values answer the question: What is most important to me?
• Definition: Principles are fundamental truths or rules that are universal and guide behavior consistently, regardless of personal beliefs or circumstances.
• Objective: Principles are often considered unchanging and apply universally to everyone. They provide a moral or ethical foundation.
• Examples: Justice, fairness, integrity, respect for human rights.
Principles answer the question: What is the right thing to do?
Key Distinction:
• Values are personal and can change over time or in different contexts.
• Principles are foundational and provide a steady moral compass, regardless of personal values.
In practice, your values reflect what you care about, while your principles determine what you stand for. For example, you might value financial success but operate on principles like honesty and fairness to achieve it. AI
Great point about Bloomberg. I just read about that this morning. I love your attitude. I will repeat it a few times this week to remind me. CM
I fear you are preaching to the choir. I will continue to listen for sure. I will continue to keep loving and bring peace into my neighborhood when able to. I will practice to not "be at war" with my face to face relationships. I will disagree, I will try to hold my values and express my values to let those who are in contact with me understand that what I see happening at the federal level is not fair or positive for the continued existence of the USA. I am grateful for all the USA billionaires like Bloomberg who will step up and offer financial help to the world.
I really liked your piece about the women millionaires, billionaires.